Executive Producer, Host, Editor
Dayve’s 30-year career first began in the field of broadcasting, working as an on-air personality at rock radio stations in the upper Midwest. He left broadcasting a few years later to pursue a career more closely related to his college major, a move that proved to be quite successful. But those years in radio broadcasting left quite an impression on him, and although he did voice-overs and even appeared in a few television commercials over the years, he always hoped he might one day return to the broadcast studio.
After two decades working in non-profit management and marketing, he decided to dip his feet into the podcasting pond, and it didn’t take long for him to discover that this was where he wanted the next chapter of his career to begin. Over the past few years, he has produced and hosted several successful podcasts, but his longtime passion for LGBTQ issues has been the driving force behind his efforts to produce the GayPrime show, which has been an idea developing in his head for nearly three years. In addition to producing podcasts, Dayve is also the Executive Director of Uncommon Sense, a small non-profit organization that educates and empowers individuals wanting to align themselves with causes and other non-profits. He is also a talented graphic artist and writer, specializing in adult, rhythmic, cadenced poetry done in the style of a certain children’s author who wasn’t really a doctor, even though it was part of his pen name. The “adult” version of the poetry makes it especially intriguing and quite popular for weddings, New Year’s parties, birthdays, bachelor parties, and any events that also include male strippers. In his spare time, Dayve enjoys landscaping projects, gardening, bicycling, home renovation and a few other activities he says he can’t discuss publicly.